The Hedge Man is South Australia’s premier provider of bespoke garden and landscaping services. We have since 1979 been creating and maintaining gardens across the length and breadth of Adelaide and its surrounds.
Beautiful gardens are born along a spectrum. At one end sits detailed architectural designs, significant structural landscaping and the planting of mature established flora to create instant gardens. At the other end of the spectrum are gardens that have evolved over time, progressing slowly in stages according to the soil and climatic conditions and the changing tastes of each owner or custodian. The Hedge Man loves all gardens no matter where they began and is delighted to assist no matter what stage their advancement or growth.
A garden is not simply one moment in time or one season, it is a living entity that if properly cared for and managed, should delight through every season. Our premium services are designed to keep your outdoor space thriving throughout the year, ensuring that it remains a vibrant and inviting environment no matter the time of year.